Handgun Safety Training Corporation Firearms/Defensive Tactics Training Academy

By William D. (Bill) Slater, Jr.

          In the June 1998 issue of The Concealed Handgun I wrote an article entitled "What's Going On In Our School?" In it I addressed the apathetic attitudes of society and the dangers involved because of that apathy. I was also appalled at the gun violence in our schools and after writing the article, disappointed at the lack of response (pro or con) from the membership at large or anyone else that may have had the opportunity to read the piece.
           Several weeks ago I was privileged to met and spend quite a bit of time with Joel Myrick. He was a guest speaker at the Association's Annual Seminar Series & Banquet. Many will remember Joel as the administrator (assistant principal) of Pearl H.S. in Pearl, Mississippi. He had the courage and fortitude to retrieve his .45 cal. semi-automatic from his pick-up truck and put a stop to the killing at his school. Now if you ask Joel if he's a hero, he'll say no. But he will tell you that he believes something must be done to stop the senseless violence. Although he has a few ideas, we both agreed that society is not ready for what he feels must be done.
           As we open our daily newspapers we read about places like Mount Morris Township, Michigan and Wilkensburg, Pennsylvania. We read about the stock market, interest rates and the presidential campaigns. We read the comics, check the horoscopes and look to see what's on television. We have become so de-sensitized to societal violence it's scary. I just heard someone on talk radio the other day say something that caught my attention and gave me hope. The caller said that we had better pay attention, get involved, educate and protect our children because they are the leaders of tomorrow and the ones who will enable us to retire in our golden years, knowing that we are in capable hands and that things will be taken care of.
           I truly believe that the issue of 'child safety' rests with each individual parent first. If the parent is not concerned, involved or interested in the safety of the child then how can we expect the schools, the community or society to succeed in accomplishing a task that must be initiated in the home in order for it to have a fighting chance.
           Parents and adults, in general, need to be setting the example for future generations to follow. As we open the newspaper we read about all the senseless violence involving guns and children (age 5 - 17) often doing nothing more than complaining about the politicians who want to take away our guns.
           Well here is your chance to set the example. Here is your chance to be noticed, recognized, remembered and respected. It's called standing up for what you believe in. Some people call it 'principles'.
           First we must decide that we want to have the right to have our guns. Then we must decide that we are tired of having irrational, uneducated, two-faced liberals tell us they (the guns) are evil and that they are going to rid us of them. Last we must make the conscious decision to fight! Not with fists, clubs, knives or guns but with KNOWLEDGE, PRINCIPLE and LAW.
           1) We all know that in order to accomplish anything in business, it will require resources (money). It makes total sense then to ensure that the money you spend in your everyday routine does not go to the anti-gun effort. Don't support any business that donates funds to anti-gun campaigns or organizations.
           2) Stand up for what you believe in! The silent majority in this country gets screwed every day because they either refuse to speak up at the top of their lungs for fear of offending others or they are embarrassed about having an opinion different from others. Let your opinion be known. Stick to the facts of your argument. Be confident, unwavering and most of all… calm, cool and collected.
           3) In order for politicians to take away what is rightfully yours it requires them to be in office. VOTE THEM OUT if they don't hold your values, beliefs and principles in high regard. Tell them… "Do it or you're out!" Insist that they enact stiff legislation that punishes those who commit acts of violence or contribute to the injury or death of a child. New restrictive gun legislation is not the answer. ENFORCE the existing laws.
           4) Get involved with organizations that hold your thoughts, opinions and beliefs in high regard. Support them any way that you can. Remember, "United we stand, divided we fall." Here is your opportunity to be heard and counted. Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of people think as you do. JOIN THEM! Make a difference.
           I once heard that America was advanced citizenship. I am beginning to understand what was meant. This country was founded on the gun for the purpose of allowing those who wanted to escape oppression to be free. Only when we know and exercise all of our rights can we be confident, safe, protected and free. Then and only then can the violence end.

Copyright © 2000 William D. (Bill) Slater, Jr. This article was published in the Jan./Feb. 2000 (Vol. 4 No.1) issue of The Concealed Handgun, the official publication of the Texas Concealed Handgun Association.

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